Chore Token Feature + Peanut Butter Blossom Recipe

With school back in session, and in our case, having this year the first time my 3yo daughter and I have ever spent the day away... She's in Pre-K3 and so it's been a bit of an adjustment knowing what to do with our days apart. We packed in a fun day of catching up this morning and chit-chatting over making some cookies together before we met our friends at the park.

Chore Chart 

Per Quinn's request, we decided to use our use our "service token" to make something for her friends before our park date. Love making little tasks for Quinn to do while we bake together so we can actually get the measurements some-what right... Her special job this time was to unwrap the chocolate kisses. Worked like a charm, and took her just enough time for me to finish mixing everything, get our things together for the park, and take a couple pictures.  Win-win. 

Baking Supplies

We tried a new recipe and it's tested and proven to be a repeat in our home.  Here's the recipe!  Let us know if, not when, you try it! 

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